About ICGJ

The International Conference on Game Jams was founded by Allan Fowler (Kennesaw State University) and Foaad Khosmood (California Polytechnic State University) in 2015. Both are game design professors who have collaborated on several academic workshops on game jams and strongly believe in game jams as a new research area worthy of its own conference. The game jam community was strong and growing. Many academics interested in game jams served on the first program committee.

ICGJ-2016 was held in Berkeley, California in March, 2016. The one-day conference featured 15 presentations and achieved a 40% acceptance rate. The proceeds were published in ACM Digital Library in 2016.

In July, 2016, the overall ICGJ event was integrated into the Global Game Jam organization to be managed by Allan Fowler. Fowler and GGJ academic liaison, Lindsay Grace, will co-chair the 2017 conference scheduled for February 26. It will take place in San Francisco.