Welcome to the First-ever Conference on Game Jams!

We are proud to present the inaugural International Conference of Game Jams, Hackathons and Game Creation Events (ICGJ 2016).

This is the first time an academic conference has been established dedicated to game creation events.

Date and Location

This is a one-day conference. March 13, 2016. It is held at the David Brower Center of UC Berkeley in California.

ICGJ 2016 Afternoon Panel

Game Jams: Challenges, Rewards and Future Prospects

Join us for the ICGJ afternoon panel, an open discussion with some of the world's leading voices on game jams and game creation. Moderated by Foaad Khosmood. Tentatively scheduled 2:45 PM.

  • Brad Hill (Intel, Code For Good Hackathons)
  • Annakaisa Kultima (University of Tampere, Finnish Game Jam)
  • Jon Preston (Kennesaw State University)
  • Anna Kipnis (Double Fine Productions, Molyjam)
  • Gorm Lai (Kotari Studios, Global Game Jam, Nordic Game Jam)
  • Giselle Rosman (Hipster Whale, Global Game Jam)

ICGJ Keynote Speaker: AJ Glasser

ICGJ is proud to present Facebook's AJ Glasser as the keynote speaker for our inaugural conference on game jams.

Glasser is a former games journalist trained at Stanford University and is currently a technical program manager for games at Facebook. She previously wrote for GamePro (back when there was a GamePro), Kotaku, Ploygon, and edited the Sims Official Magazine and prior to that part of her career she worked as a QA tester and localization specialist at Sony Computer Entertainment, Sega of America, and Natsume.

Past research on Game Jams and Hackathons

Game jams and hackathons have only recently become objects of scholarly study. This conference is the result of several smaller workshops organized in the past few years at conferences such as Digital Game Research Association (DiGRA), Foundations of Digital Games (FDG) and ACM Computer Human Interaction (SIGCHI).

Many of the ICGJ organizers are inspired and active in the annual Global Game Jam, which also has its own research community. However, this conference is not about GGJ. We welcome papers and panelists discussing any kind of game jams or hackathon or game creation activity including OGAM, Ludum Dare, NGJ and others.

We list here links to past workshop proceedings to help researchers get a better idea on what kind of research is possible around game creation events.

There are many more peer reviewed publications involving game jams that have been published in other conferences.